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Cottage Home & Garden, Feminine Ready Wear & Miscellany
Showing posts with label consignment store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consignment store. Show all posts

Monday, December 6, 2021

Solvang Christmas Parade. Minus some Vintage.

Saturday was their annual Christmas Parade. I have been going to it for many years.  None last year, of course.  This time I found it very crowded. I want to put 'very and crowded' in caps but I won't. Maybe some subtle forms of visible security new this year but it still is small town which is the beauty of it all. Three Veterans marching with flags opened the parade.  Then the High School band. Why no French Horns? I played the French Horn in high school and was always in the marching band. 

Minus the Vintage part? The SPCA Thrift Store had closed. The consignment store had moved out-of-town. The smorgasbord was no more (due to Covid) but I did find pickled herring and Lefse to buy and take home.

Memory Lane:  

The SPCA Thrift had an orange cat that would be inside and very friendly. One year, I asked "where's the cat". Not allowed inside anymore. The next year it was more firmly planted inside than ever. A couple or so years later, I asked. The cat had moved with its owners. I had no idea it wasn't the shop cat. Volunteer did not sound happy about the move.

Ending with this. This is from Solvang Danish Days Parade (Sept). The Solvang Village Band is on the Carlsberg Beer Wagon. They dutifully have a nip from those green bottles in between numbers. Sometimes the joy is 'when people are just people'.