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Cottage Home & Garden, Feminine Ready Wear & Miscellany

Cottage Home & Garden, Feminine Ready Wear & Miscellany
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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Continued from Last Week...


This is the rebuke-er.  AKA: my assistant in my Etsy Shop

I will let you figure this out.

My way or the highway.

When I am not in charge, I am in charge.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Wrong, Right. Right, Wrong. Things or People. The Universe Can Spin Life. Lots of Rambling Today!

I have struggled with this post for days. Finally, I am just going to do it

THINGS in Life:  No matter what you do, it is wrong. No matter what you do, it is right. 

PEOPLE Situations in Life: It's not even being in the right or wrong place at the opposite time.  It's more like random times when you are Teflon coated and other times everything you stumble upon, turns to doo doo.

Anything coming to mind?  Or am I too far out there?  Let me illustrate...

No matter when or where or how I take a photo of this Hawaiian shirt, it turns out black and white. I went to the Cricket Store. The guy took a picture of a green neon cardboard sign and said it's fixed. Not.

I was able to capture the borders yesterday that shows the accurate green colors. But it does not work when I take the whole shirt. Baffled. This has been going on for a couple of months.  Do your monitors agree?

When you are right, when things are right, there is no stopping. Third bloom of my $1.00 Petunias from Ralphs earlier this summer. What did I do?

The name escapes me right now but I love these flowers and have been trying to grow them for decades. Whether in the ground or pot and different states that I have lived. Now these have bloomed continuously since I bought them also from Ralph's $1.00 earlier this summer. Not only that, the ceramic pot has no drainage. I have a tendency to over care and over water plants. I can't do anything wrong, they keep prospering

Now going into the grey area of people. You could be an angel in full costume but the world can spin things. An old expression goes something like this.  There are days when the tail wags the dog. I believe this fits.

I don't have photos but I do have a story from a neighbor that illustrates this better than anything I have experienced. He saw someone trying to break into his neighbor's house, and he called the police. For whatever reason, his neighbors got mad at him for doing that good Samaritan gesture.

A man he knows (different neighborhood) called the police when his neighbor's house had a robbery attempt. That man got Honorable Mention in the city news,

Sometimes, it can be even more random or generalized than this example. Infrequent though.

Comments or examples welcome.